Friday, February 26, 2010

Is Andrew Breitbart Breaking Down?

Did you see this?

Joan Walsh, who previously slurred tea party patriots as "
traitors," attacked Andrew Breitbart at CPAC as unhinged, arguing that his brutal take down of the Salon sleazebags "doesn't get the work done."

Oh, but it does, Joan. Which is why Max Blumenthal is now reduced to making new allegations against "
racist black front groups."

In any case, Founding Bloggers repsponds, "
(EXCLUSIVE VIDEO) Did Andrew Breitbart “Breakdown” At CPAC?":

Apparently, doesn’t think that anger and outrage are normal reactions for a human being to have in response to being falsely smeared and branded a racist. sees the videos of an angry Andrew Breitbart as not much more than an opportunity to ridicule someone with whom they disagree.

By using these videos in this particular way, Salon reveals that it considers the righteous indignation of a man falsely accused to be funny. A real knee-slapper.

That’s very revealing because the videos that the folks at are promoting clearly demonstrate why Breitbart is so furious. He explains it to their cameras repeatedly. Perhaps the editors at are too politically tone deaf to hear the message.
See also, Big Journalism, "How the World Works: Max Blumenthal and His Vicious Alinsky Tactics."

Libel Blogger David Hillman (Swash Zone) Workplace Harassment Fail."